This semester has been so busy and full of projects that I haven't had time to update this until now, but that means that I have a lot to share!
The classes that I have this semester are 2D Design, 3D Design, and Animation Techniques.
In 2D design, we have had two projects so far, and are starting our third.
The first project was to create a vector image on Adobe Illustrator using shapes. I chose to do a chandelier!
The next project was to take colors from our hometown/area code and make an interesting composition using the colors and trapped spaces of the numbers. My area code is 207, and I used these colors from pictures taken around southern Maine to represent it!
These three are part of my final...
But this one is my favorite and the one that I handed in!
(I apologize for the pixelation, it wouldn't let me upload the larger pictures)
Now we have to put them on a line to show points on a map, and these are the three that I chose!
Then I chose a color scheme, added the text, and then created a pattern for the background!
This is the final one, and I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. These next photos are from our next (and last) project for 2D. We are creating a book that has everything that we've done so far this year, so we have to create covers for the book. The first one is the one that everyone chose. I still have to make changes but I like how it's coming along.
For my 3D class, I made a stool out of cardboard that can support my friend Asher!
We then had a product design project where we had to create a product that isn't out there yet. I chose to make a "Time Out Pal;" a stuffed animal with a timer in it's stomach to keep the time while the child is in time out. My prototype was a stuffed bear, and I put a basic timer in his stomach:
My final product was a Giraffe and I painted the timer blue, and changed the timing so that the max time was 25 minutes instead of 60.We had to create packaging for it so I drew a bear, giraffe and an elephant on Illustrator to show the different "pals" that are available.
We also had to do a quick Adobe Illustrator tutorial, so I chose to do a modern looking info graphic on plastics in the ocean!
For Animation Techniques we re-did a stop motion SyFy channel logo using an alien and a sea monster silhouette.
This is my final piece!
I only have two weeks left for school and in 2D we are finishing up the books, in 3D we are creating clothing out of paper, and for Stop Motion (Animation Techniques) we are doing a 3D dance party with armatures!
Some other stuff that I have been doing is just random doodling:
Going to Puppy town
And meeting Luke Wilson!!!!
I know that it has been so long since I last posted so thanks so much for taking the time to read this and when the semester ends I'll add my final pieces! Have a great weekend!